
Monument Primary is situated in Ladysmith, at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountain Range. It is in  Northern KwaZulu Natal, halfway between Gauteng and Durban.

Monument Primary School is a parallel medium school, where the languages  of learning and teaching is Afrikaans and English. In the Junior Phase an African Language, IsiZulu, is also taught.

There are currently 4 classes per grade, of which three classes are English medium and one  is Afrikaans medium. In Grade 1 there is an additional class to ensure that in this grade there is enough time to establish good language and maths skills. Monument also has a ELSEN (Education for Learners with Special Education Needs) class where learners with either special needs or barriers, are catered for.  The Grade R campus, situated on the same premises, consist of an Afrikaans and English Grade R and RR class.

The school is proud of its neat and well maintained buildings and grounds. Except for normal classrooms, the school also has a Media centre, E-Lab, IT-Lab and Music room. The grounds consist of colourful gardens and sports fields. Included in this are the cement netball courts and the heated pool.

The hall is equipped with state of the art electronic equipment where a huge interactive white board,as well as a lighting and sound room, ensures that a spectacular play can be produced every year which is to the  advantage of the cultural side of the school.

All learners are developed in a dynamic Christian environment. There are opportunities to develop their God given potential academically, culturally as well as on the sports fields. Maximum development takes place to ensure that learners are ready to make a huge contribution towards the 21st century.

In our mission statement this is evident:  excellence through quality, reliability and efficiency in the classroom. Monument believes that a school is as good as the teacher standing in front of the class. All educators standing in front of classes at Monument, from Gr. R – 7, are qualified teachers. Having qualified, experienced as well as passionate educators in classrooms, means that learners will reap the benefits, which ensures that the academic standard of our school is exceptionally high.

This point of view is drawn from the class, onto the sports fields as well as onto the stage with all cultural performances. The education corps of Monument is what makes Monument Primary the school that it is.