
To be able to provide our learners with Quality Education it is each parent’s responsibility to pay their child’s School Fees.

Monument School Fees For 2025

School fees for Gr. RRR to Gr. 7 will be increased from R14 000,00 to R14 700,00 per child per annum. School fees will be payable in advance as from February 2025 to November 2025, which equals 10 months.

2025 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
R450 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470
Jan Feb Mar Apr
R450 R1470 R1470 R1470
May Jun Jul Aug
R1470 R1470 R1470 R1470
Sept Oct Nov Dec
R1470 R1470 R1470

Over and above the school fees, an additional R450 per child will be payable in January 2025 (or arrangements can be made to the school to pay R225 in January and R225 in December) to purchase new textbooks for the learners. (As agreed by the parents at the budget meeting).

Should you pay your annual school fees IN FULL by 28 February 2025 – you will receive a R500.00 discount on the school fees.
(R15 150 – R500 = R14 650).

Subsidy forms will be available from the Finance office for Gr. R to Gr. 7 learners from 15 January 2025 to 29 February 2025.  Subsidy forms that do not have all the requested documentation attached will not be considered.  The submission of a completed subsidy form must not be seen as a guarantee of approval of a subsidy and the payment of school fees remains the responsibility of both parents.  Subsidies are calculated according to the criteria of the  Department of Education. Subsidies can only be obtained on the school fee amount and not on the R450 textbook money.

Outstanding accounts (30 days +) will be handed over to our Legal Department for collection.  No payment arrangements will be accepted for accounts that are older than +30 days.  (Legal costs will be for the parents’ account).

Payments can be made in the following ways: –

  • NO CASH PAYMENTS for school fees will be accepted at the finance office. This instruction comes from our Insurance Broker and our Auditor. This is to ensure the safety of our learners and staff.
  • D6 App (Please download the D6 Connect App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store)
  • A Debit/Visa Card Machine is available at the Finance Office.
  • Debit Order (Forms can be collected from the Finance Office)
  • EFT (Details below)
Account Name: Monument
Bank: ABSA
Account Number: 980 148 114
Branch Code: 632 005
Reference: Family Code

After Care is R1 200 per child per term, payable in advance for the term.

Parents/Guardians must please sign the School Code of Conduct and Financial Contract when enrolling their child/children at Monument Primary School (download here).

(Mrs. N. McMaster, Chairperson of the School Governing Body)

School Fees and Exemption

School fees are an agreed amount of money that parents pay to schools, aimed at improving the quality of education of learners. School fees may not include registration fees, administration or other fees. The school may not charge further fees for additional subjects chosen by learners from the school program.

According to SASA all SGBs of public schools must supplement government funding, by charging school fees and doing other reasonable forms of fund-raising. The right not to charge school fees will be limited to the schools that have been declared ‘no fee schools’. The names of the ‘no fee schools’ will be published in a Provincial Gazette and the criteria to determine the ‘no fee schools’ will be based on the economic level of the community around the school.

The school fund is a combination of school fees, the fundraising money and donations. It is the responsibility of the SGBs to ensure that all these funds are kept and managed in one bank account. No public school should have more than one account.

A public school has the right to take legal action against a parent who does not pay school fees, but only after the exemption criteria have been applied and the parent is still liable to pay such fees. The learner must remain in school while the case is on.

A learner may not be excluded from participation in any official school programs due to the parents’ non-payment of school fees. A school may not retain a learner’s report because the parent cannot afford to pay school fees.

Exemptions from Payments of School Fees

The exemption from payment of school fees is a mechanism government has put in place to assist parents to access quality education for their children, irrespective of their background or financial constraints. If the parent qualifies, exemptions must be calculated retrospectively from the beginning of the year.

Parents who cannot afford to pay school fees must apply to the SGB for conditional, partial or full exemption from paying school fees. Application forms can be obtained from the SGB through the principal of a school. Public schools must inform parents of the criteria and procedures and assist them in applying for exemption from paying school fees. The SGB must inform the applicant of the outcome of the application in writing within 7 days after assessing the application for exemption.

Orphans may not be charged School fees.

If a parent is not satisfied with the SGB’s decision related to full or partial exemption, he/she may appeal to the Head of Department against the decision of the school within 30 days after receiving the school’s decision. It is the responsibility of every public school to assist the parents in lodging appeals.

Voluntary Contributions

Any parent, including those granted any type of exemption, can make voluntary contributions to the school fund. Contributions can be in the form of money, in kind, or in the form of any service a parent may render to a school.

Assistance to Parents for Exemptions

Each public school is encouraged to establish a School Fees Committee. The chairperson of this committee must be a member of the SGB. The function of the committee is to administer all issues pertaining to school fees such as collection of school fees, reporting to the SGB on income from school fees and to assist parents to apply for school fee exemptions. This committee considers the applications for exemptions and provides the SGB with recommendations.

A parent who, for whatever reason, needs assistance to apply for exemption or to lodge an appeal, may request the school fees committee chairperson or any members of the School Fees Committee, to assist him or her in making the application.

If no assistance is given to the parent after he or she has requested it, the principal of the school concerned must assist the parent in such an application or appeal if requested to do so by the parent.

No applicant may be disqualified on the ground that his or her application form is either incomplete or incorrectly completed. The School Fees Committee must respond in writing to the parents on the outcome of their application within 14 days of applying.

Appeals for Declined Exemptions:

A parent whose application has been declined by the SGB has the right to lodge an appeal with the Head of Department of that province within 30 days after notification of that decision. The principal or School Fees Committee must offer a parent this opportunity and assistance by providing and explaining the appeal form to the parent.

The parent appealing must provide the Head of Department with:

  • Reasons for appeal
  • All relevant information pertaining to the appeal

The Head of Department shall request the SGB chairperson to forward to him within 14 days:

  • A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the SGB at which the application was discussed and a decision taken;
  • Any comments the SGB wishes to make with regard to the application; and
  • Any other information relevant to the appeal.

The Head of the Department will:

  • Within 14 days after receipt of the documentation from the parent notify the SGB chairperson of the appeal that has been lodged;
  • Inform the SGB that it cannot take any action against the parent until the appeal is heard;
  • Within 7 days of deciding on the appeal, inform the SGB and the appellant in writing of his/her decision and the reasons thereof.